
IRETs derive their value from either the operating agreement the issuer signs or the bylaws of the DAO LLC granting property ownership to IRET holders. The price of the IRETs will fluctuate with the price of the property and the real estate market. The IRET is very simple in that there are individual IRETs for each property and they all follow the same organizational structure:

  • EVM/ERC based tokens (blockchain TBD)

  • Naming convention: Each token will start with the letters "IRET" and a number following chronological order of tokenization. For example, the fourth property that has been tokenized on the platform would be named "IRET00004"

  • Fixed supply: All IRETs will have a fixed supply of 1,000,000 (one million) tokens that when minted will go directly to the property owner's wallet

  • Number of decimals: All IRETs will be divisible down to .0001 (one ten-thousandth) of a token

Example: A property owner tokenizes his property that has a fair market value of $3,000,000. He was the 435th person to tokenize his property on the platform, therefore his IRET will be IRET00435. There will be 1,000,000 tokens composing IRET00435 and each one will have a fair market value of $3.00. An owner of IRET00435 would be able to sell 0.0001 of a token of IRET00435 at a price of $0.003. As property values rise where his property is located, the price of IRET00435 will rise as well, reflecting his property's value.

Another unique factor of the IRET is that the IRET holders will receive 10% of the fees charged by the exchange from that IRET's trades (distributed equitably).

The IRET will have simple pricing mechanisms that will help maintain their values. Many cryptocurrencies go through phases of pumping or dumping; the unique aspect of IRETs is that they are actually backed by a contract with a guarantee for cash flow/equity - the operating agreement/LLC bylaws. Any pump or dump of an IRET creates arbitrage opportunities that would very quickly stabilize that IRET's price to a fair market value.

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