Profit Share and Buy Back
Use of Proceeds
Evo Exchange's revenue distribution can be voted on by the DAO to change at any point, however to begin with, revenue generated by the exchange will be distributed in the following manners:
3% - Marshall Islands corporate income tax on gross revenue
10% - Evo X Labs infrastructure expenses
10% - EvoX token buy back
10% - Insurance fund
67% - Distributed amongst all EvoX tokenholders
Profit Share
The 67% of revenue that is allocated to be distributed amongst EvoX tokenholders will be claimable via a staking contract. Stakers may claim their portion of the profit share equitably.
Buy Back
The 10% of revenue allocated to EvoX token buyback will be automatically deployed on a profit accrual basis determined by the DAO. To begin with, it will be each time the allocation for buyback has reached a value of 10,000 USDC, but as profits increase, the allocation can be deployed at larger intervals. The DAO is responsible for determining when the profit has reached an acceptable level to increase the profit basis for token buy backs.
Last updated